The Samsad story is now part of Bengal's cultural history
The Samsad story is now part of Bengal's cultural history Mahendranath Dutt (2.8.1899-18.10.1987), the Founder, played a significant role in the country's freedom struggle, before carrying his vision into publishing in 1951 for a newly independent country.
In the initial phase, he sought to reclaim for a postcolonial generation the Bengali language and literature in its historical bearings and in its living connections with a fast expanding political and cultural scenario.
A series of dictionaries at different levels for Bengali
The first publications included well annotated volumes of the collected works of the makers of modern Bengali Literature in the second half of the nineteenth century, in reader-friendly format; a series of dictionaries at different levels for Bengali,and for transactions between Bengali and English; and collections of imaginatively illustrated nursery rhymes in Bengali.
The three major lines of Samsad's publishing programme
The three major lines of Samsad's publishing programme, defined at once, have developed over the years to encompass an enormous body of publications, covering both language and specialized theme dictionaries and encyclopaedias; children's books, including anthologies of the major writers for children in Bengali, authoritative works of reference on Indian collected works of major writers in Bengali.